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The History of Ptown Pedicabs

   Independent thoughts brought together by working in close proximity...


   Call it chance, fate, or destiny. Pedicabs and Provincetown was a match just waiting to happen.

   A long-time resident of Provincetown, Bruce VanAllen, and a returning-from-points-West Cape Codder, Randy McDonald, conceived the idea during the long, cold winter of 2002 while working on a construction project; finding that they shared many similar interests, and, more importantly, a common goal of having a job that incorporated cycling, the gears started turning and by the summer of 2003, they were ready to roll!

Randy & Bruce

   Their idea, coupled with Provincetown's small overall layout, the huge amount of seasonal pedestrians, motorized traffic issues, and the need for a viable solution to the overall congestion, just begged for a remedy.

   Hence, the idea of bicycle powered "rickshaws" coming to Provincetown was launched. And, with Ptown Pedicabs looking forward to enjoying yet another great season, they have certainly proven to be that answer!
   Bruce keeps telling himself that he loves pedicabs more than anything. His eventual goal is to cycle the 
world, but for now he'll just settle for cycling people of the world instead.
   In 2007, Randy passed the baton to Charlie Hamilton who had come on board as a rider but was anxious to do more. Look where that got him! He and Bruce now run the business.
   Randy, who had decided that Charlie really was just crazy enough to replace him, still helps out now
and then. You can take the boy out of the pedicabs, but you can't take the pedicabs out of the boy!

   Charlie and Bruce ran the business successfully until 2016 when Charlie found the love of his life and decided to move away from Provincetown with her. With a bit of sadness and lots of memories in their hearts, they sold the business to two of their best riders and friends - Georgi Todorov and Gaib Galib. Now, with all new ideas in mind, hard work, and dedication, they have made Ptown Pedicabs one of town's most desirable and favorite activities. Drivers from around the world join Georgi and Galib's team each year to provide international ambiance, each with their individual experiences to share with their riders well, showing them the beauties of Provincetown and the surrounding beaches and countryside. They show the tourists the beauty of Provincetown and the fantastic beaches surrounding it. All the riders go on the street and entertain the people with tours, weddings, and shows, recommending places to eat, stay, and have fun. And everything they do, they do it for you - to make your stay unforgettable and come back for more memories and adventures! 


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